Low Impact Development (LID) guidance

Low Impact Development (LID) is a stormwater and land-use management strategy that tries to mimic natural hydrologic conditions by emphasizing the following techniques:

LID best management practices emphasize pre-disturbance hydrologic processes of infiltration, filtration, storage, evaporation, and transpiration. Common LID practices include: bio-retention, rain gardens, permeable pavements, minimal excavation foundations, vegetated roofs, and rainwater harvesting.

Want to be certified in LID?

We received two years of funding from the Legislature to develop and provide several topic-based Low Impact Development training courses for a variety of professional audiences. We partnered with Washington State University to develop a joint Washington State LID Certificate Program.

The program offers two certificate tracks:

Planning and code update information

Maintenance and inspection resources

Related links

Contact information

Douglas C. Howie, P.E.
Senior Stormwater Engineer