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Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files stored by your device when you access most websites on the internet. We will use two types of cookies: (this Website) uses cookies in order to make it easier to use and to support the provision of relevant information and functionality to you. Cookies also provide us with information about how this Website is used so we can keep it is as up to date, relevant and error free as possible. Further information about the types of cookies in use on this Website is set out below.

By using this Website you agree to the use of cookies. Please note that certain cookies may be set the moment you start visiting this Website. You can choose to manage the cookies we use on this Website through your browser settings at any time. For more information about how to do this, and about cookies in general, you can visit .

Please note that preventing cookies is likely to impact the functionality or performance of this Website, or prevent you from using certain services provided through it. If you choose to prevent cookies, we cannot guarantee access to the services provided through this Website or be sure how this Website will perform during your visit. Preventing cookies will also affect our ability to update this Website to cater for user preferences and improve its performance.

The types of cookies we currently use on this Website are set out below. The cookie categories are based on the category definitions contained in the International Chamber of Commerce UK Cookie guide .

Strictly necessary cookies are essential to enable you to move around this Website and use its features and/or services. These cookies allow this Website to provide services at the request of users.

This Website use strictly necessary cookies to:

Performance cookies allow us to update this Website to cater for Website user preferences and improve performance. They collect information about how this Website is used, e.g. which pages users visit most often and where error messages are delivered. These cookies don't collect information that identifies individuals. All information is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

This Website use performance cookies to:

Functional cookies allow this Website to remember choices you make, e.g. your user name, log in details and language preferences and any customisations you make to Website pages during your visit. They are necessary to provide features and services specific to individual users.

This Website use functional cookies to:

Targeting or advertising cookies

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits on this Website in order to make advertising both on this Website and other websites you subsequently visit relevant to you and your interests, to limit the number of times those adverts are served to you and to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.