If you're looking for a youth ministry student survey to evaluate the health of your program, then you've already embarked upon the most difficult step.
Oftentimes pastors and church leaders are too busy to seriously evaluate their youth ministries, which is a problem because leadership can often overestimate the health of their programs.
Thankfully, you've already got past the first step. The next step, deciding what questions to ask, is easy. Simply use the 10 questions featured below.
These 10 questions will serve as a youth ministry survey template for your church. Feel free to customize it with your own questions that will help you and your church.
This is a basic question that will help you get a sense of the demographic of your student ministry. Depending on your answers, you can figure out if you need to accommodate a younger or older audience.
Knowing how the brain grows from childhood through adolescence is a great place to start. If you know the psychology of certain age groups, you're better equipped for training your volunteer leaders. With an enhanced understanding of the youth they lead, their leadership skills and talents will only grow.
In other words, interactions with kids can be more intentional and successful.
This is one of the most important questions you can ask in a youth ministry student survey. It's important to keep in mind that not everyone in your youth ministry was raised in a Christian home. Some may know very little about Christ.
This question makes you sensitive to the spiritual growth journey of every kid. It also reminds you to plan Bible lessons with everyone in mind--not just the kids who know the gospel (or don't).
We included this question in our youth ministry survey template to hep you assess how engaging your student ministry is. Even if you have a small number of students attending, you're still moving in the right direction, especially if they come several times a month.
If kids aren't coming as frequently as you'd like, there may be external factors at play. Before assuming your youth ministry is a failure, include this question on your youth ministry student survey.
Here are some possible answers:
Did you know that 42 percent of children engage in extracurricular activities? Out of this group, nine percent of them participate in clubs, sports and lessons at the same time.
If extracurriculars are to blame, consider hosting youth group on a different night. Conversely, there may be family dynamics at play that you aren't aware of.
If kids aren't coming because they don't enjoy it, it's time to evaluate why it isn't interesting to them and do something about it.
We didn't want churches to only focus on criticisms in their surveys. That's why we included this important question within our youth ministry survey template.
Is it your stellar volunteer leaders? Is it all the opportunities for spiritual growth?
If some responses aren't as popular as others, don't assume right away that it's a weakness. That one aspect of your youth ministry may not be as prominent or memorable. Still, this is something to consider.
Ask yourself what you want to stand out about your youth ministry.
Don't be afraid to ask direct questions like this one within your youth ministry student survey. If "No" is the most frequent answer, you're one step closer to figuring out your low attendance problem.
Amidst this digital era, there's a chance kids of all ages are suffering from social anxiety. Social media is largely to blame, but it's not a problem that can't be overcome with some adjusting.
Youth ministry events may be perceived as a time for rowdy, rambunctious kids to get together. How can you accommodate kids who are shy and introverted?
This is a great question for a youth ministry student survey because it puts you into the mind of kids and how they perceive you.
Remember: spiritual growth isn't only for the kids--it's for you and your volunteer leaders, too. You're constantly learning how to reflect the loving nature of Christ.
It may not even be your actual youth gatherings. Maybe you need to reevaluate your marketing materials. What is your social media presence like? Click here for tips on starting a church Instagram page.
One of the key purposes of this youth ministry survey template is to help churches get their youth to be more open with their problems.
Remember, kids today are hurting in ways that are hard for older generations to imagine. Asking direct questions is a great way to show concern over relevant issues in their minds and in the current culture.
Spiritual growth isn't always easy to articulate or measure. That's why this youth ministry student survey question works well when presented on a scale of 0 to 5, especially for younger kids.
No matter the activities, the social media promotions, or anything else, your youth ministry should always point back to Jesus. Attracting kids is one thing, but keeping them rooted is the goal.
Are your activities--or lack thereof--repelling kids from coming? Are your events too similar? Are they too few and far between, or too frequent?
Ask this question on a scale of 0 to 5 as well. Leave a space where they can suggest activities they'd like to do at youth gatherings.
An alternative to this youth ministry student survey question is creating a list of common activities. Then, the students can check off the boxes for activities they like best.
Need any ideas for COVID-safe youth group activities? Look no further.
There are more ways than one to distribute your youth ministry student survey. Doing it electronically is probably the easiest. Try SurveyMonkey, Typeform or Formstack for user-friendliness and send it out in an email.
You could also put the youth ministry student survey on your website and share the link with kids.
The other option is a good old stack of pens and papers. This is not the most efficient method, though, since it requires kids to sit still for a long time as they fill it out.
Church surveys are valuable for every church. The feedback you get from these church survey questions provide valuable insights. Unfortunately, building the church survey questions takes time, which you are short on. That’s why we built Word Document templates for every church survey you could ever use. All you need to do is download the 18 printable church survey templates, which won’t cost you a thing!